Swizzels Drumstick Squashies (Sweets) Review

[Video Review is on YouTube here]

Swizzels Drumstick Squashies is a £1 bag of chewy sweets that have recently gotten my attention. Unlike the normal drumsticks, hard chews on a lolly stick, this seeks to give the same flavour in a much softer way. I could’ve gotten a different flavor but I felt it best to stick to the original Raspberry and Milk (especially since I guessed they’d have the same texture to milk bottles anyway).


A bad pic but can’t do any better


The packet is rather interesting, as you can see above the packet has what you’d expect from a Swizzels sweet (stripes, logo’s etc) but also has a window to see the sweets with the Squashies on the packet actually having shadows (they’re meant to look like they are jumping out of the window). The back of the packet reveals there is a refreshers variety of them and also different kind of squashies entirely for Love Hearts (although I’ve never seen them in shops).

Because of their name I decided to see just how squashy they were and they were very similar to the giant milk bottle sweets you can get (which was also a factor in why I chose the flavor I did). I found it amusing that they did try to retain their shape as long as you don’t put too much pressure on them of course.

Opening the packet floods you with the smell of them which took me by surprise, as someone that remembers the original being rather weak it was quite nice. However I thought it was just because it was a bunch of sweets in the bag that caused the smell, I had an even bigger (and better) surprise when I actually tasted one. While the milk side was exactly as I remembered the Raspberry side had some strength to it that lasts at least a good few seconds when chewing. That and the obvious fact they are easier to chew and won’t jam your teeth shut I immediately proclaimed these better than the original.

In other words if you like Swizzels sweets like Drumsticks or chewy stuff in general give this one a try. I actually bought this to cheer me up since I’m stuck with a bad ear infection and I’m glad I did.

You can find them on Amazon UK via the Amazon Prime Pantry but good luck finding a good price. Here is the link.

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