Ways To Support Me

This is a jumbo post of all the ways that you can support my content, big thanks to anyone looking at this. This is a list of links but also the order in which I explain them.


Ko-Fi is another site aimed at supporting people you like, this time with donations that are in increments of £3 (aka ‘buying a coffee’) without fees so it is recommended over Patreon is.


Patreon is a site focused on supporting creators you like with monthly payments and compared to Ko-Fi I don’t really think its worth it anymore (my content was never worth it even when I was active). But since I have a page I’m keeping it listed here.


Most sites that are made to receive donations do so via PayPal so while I do not recommend doing it directly (since its hard to keep track of and potentially has fees) it is still an alternative worth mentioning.


I originally was able to use Crypto all the way back when they didn’t require things like id and a bank account. Until I acquire these I cannot take this form of donation.

Steam (Trading and Points)

While not something that’d get me a bunch of money for use in buying things it is possible to trade things like cards with people on steam without asking for anything in return therefore gifting them. I’d likely keep anything sent to me regardless of value and try to make badges with cards unless I start to get duplicates (unlikely). The link is my personal trade link btw.

As for points you can gift some of yours via awarding posts/comments of mine, these can be used to make your profile more fancy with avatar borders and profile backgrounds so it’d be nice to have.


Now I am not entirely sure if the link itself works but I have an Ebay affiliates account and what should happen is if anyone buys something after going through my link I get a tiny portion of what was spent. Not sure if that counts for the plentiful amount of secondhand things you can find but at no extra cost for you (assuming you wanted to buy whatever you did) its worth a try.


CdKeys is a site focused on getting cheap game keys for various platforms like Switch, Steam, Xbox and PSN. Not only does the link about get me pennies when things are bought but you can also refer other people for affiliate which is arguably much better for me (since it’d cost you nothing but potentially get both of us something).


BangGood is one of those foreign wholesale sites where you can find weird and usually knockoff stuff from places like china and while its unlikely people will want to buy from the link above it was easy to set up.


DeviantArt is a site focused on art as you may guess but also has a print shop that allows you to buy other peoples images, I do not have anything worth it on there atm so while that is where the link goes to I would recommend instead just donating a few points via my DeviantArt profile.


This site is one of many that allows you to upload art to be put on things like T-shirts in your own personal store in which you get money when someone else buys them. I almost put this into the unusable category at the bottom due to having no art worth buying at all in my store (but perhaps in the future, fingers crossed I guess).


MassDrop is a site to buy really expensive electricals but with discounts depending on the amount of people that have also bought it. Unfortunately they don’t have an affiliate program but anyone that creates a new account and buys something via the link does get me $10 in credit so it could potentially add up.

A Small Message

While having a lot of ways to support me does suggest some level of desperation and I will admit to living off of literally no money for a while I implore you not to donate for pity reasons and unfortunately not with the idea of seeing immediate improvements either. If you do donate please keep it very low as a feeling of owing something will inevitably just cause me to stress over what to do, I’d prefer just one day getting small amounts from many people despite how unlikely that is. That said thanks for even being on this page, I thank you for even remotely thinking about it.

Unusable Atm


Unfortunately I haven’t had an Amazon Affiliates account for a long time due to its closure as I inevitably did not make any money through it and Amazon shut it down. While that may not be revived there is a future possible to have an Amazon section if I actually get around to writing a book (because Kindle).

Guild Wars 2

For a while I played the free version of Guild Wars 2 despite not really having a PC that would be recommended to play it. Unfortunately I don’t think there is a way for free accounts to be gifted anything and trading does not work but my display name on there is “Sam Earl.7184” for those curious though note I prefer playing games alone (even in mmo’s).